Welcome to the Sands

I came to bring life, and life in all its fullness. John 10:10

Welcome to the Sands Methodist Church

We are a church of all ages in the centre of Appleby-in-Westmorland. Join us for prayer and worship every Sunday morning from 10.30am.

Feel free to stay for drinks and refreshments after the service. We look forward to seeing you here!

We have a Sunday Junior Church most weeks unless we have a family service that day. Private prayer is always available at the end of every service.

Services: Every Sunday, 10.30am

Minister: Rev. Andrew Sterling

The Sands Methodist Church

We are currently carrying out a community questionnaire, asking the local residents how you view the church and how we might serve you better. The survey is quick and would really help us on our vision day. To fill it out click here.

What's On at the Sands Methodist Church

Have a look at what we are doing in Appleby! Feel free to contact us for more information.

Sunday Morning Services

Our Sunday morning services are taking place both at the church and live by Teams during Covid restrictions

Notice Sheet

Stay in touch, get involved and keep up-to-date. Download this week's Notice Sheet here.

Get Involved

We would love you to get involved with everything that is happening at the Sands Methodist Church!

This year we are exploring the Methodist Way of Life. This June we are focusing on open.

The Sands Methodist Church

You can listen to our sermons here


Morning Service

Every Sunday also also via Teams


Ladies Friendship Group

3rd Thursday of the Month


Noah's Boat (Playgroup)

Every Monday during term-time

9.00am - 10.45am



10.00am - 11.30am

Monthly Prayer Meeting

& Communion

First Wednesday of every month

Prayer: 10:15am-10:45am

Communion: 11.00am - 11.30am

Messy Church

See Notices for more details


Memory Club

2nd and 4th Wednesday in the month


House Groups


Contact Us for more details

Youth Club

Fridays during term time


Renew Wellbeing Cafe

Renew Wellbeing Cafe takes place every Friday morning at Appleby Cricket Club from 9.30-11.30am. All welcome. For any further information ring Kristy Pattimore. Telephone: 07480 935119.

Follow our Facebook Page for the Latest News

Let's Worship God Together

Our service this week will be an own arrangement led by Eve Brett

The Sands Methodist Church

Monday morning Noah’s Boat Toddler Group 9.00 to 10.30

Contact Wendy Walker for further information 

walkerwj3@gmail.com or 07813 500 296

REFRESH - First Thursday of every month at 10am till 11.30am in the Sands Church Hall

This is for all ages to just come and relax.... Have a drink and a bite to eat, try a craft or make something, play a board game, have a chat or just sit quietly. Speak to Mary Kirkpatrick or Wendy Walker for more information.

Past Services

Listen to our sermons or revisit past services please visit the Heart of Westmorland YouTube Channel

Contact The Sands

Sands Methodist Church

Need to get in touch or find out more about the Sands Methodist Church in Appleby? Do you have a question about Christianity, religion or God?

Contact us using the contact details below or use the Contact Form below. We'll be delighted to help - it's why we are here!

Presbyter: Revd Andrew Sterling

Sands Methodist Church

The Sands



CA16 6XR

Send us a message:

Key Contacts


Revd Andrew Sterling


Linda Taylor


Wendy Walker

Room Hire

Wendy Walker

Anne Bell

If you do not have contact details please ask Revd Andrew Sterling for them.

Upper Eden Food Bank